19 Tips to Write Local SEO Pages That Rank In Google

Add a header

Add a header on your page that includes your targeted keyword and your location along with a quick introduction. Include the keyword you target within the introduction or a closed synonym as well as make sure the title is wrapped with an HTML tag. That tells search engines this is the main title of the page.

Add a call to action

Add a call to action that is highly visible and high up on the page, so visitors can get in touch at a click of a button without having to scroll down the page. This will help increase conversion and make sure the button is also visible on the mobile version of your site without visitors having to scroll down.

Add your unique selling points to help

Visitors understand why you are a better option than your competitors by listing your unique selling points. Be mindful of the designer’s use of bullet points or tick marks to make it as impactful as possible and easy to read.

Add a hero image

Add a relevant hero image at the top of your page that will convey what the page is about images help your website rank in google searches so choose it carefully here is a quick tip on how to choose the most relevant image for your page go to google and search for the product or service you are creating your web page for then click on images you can now see what type of images google associates with this keyword make sure you use a similar image on your page word of warning do not use a free image from a stock photo free stock photos are nowhere near as effective as using your own photos google can read photos and will be able to see the same photo that has been used on multiple websites finally don’t forget to add an HTML tag to your image in which you can include more relevant keywords without spamming of course.

Describe your process 

Include a small section on what clients can expect when they pay for your services in the form of the method you use a step-by-step description of your procedure or how it works this will help manage your clients’ expectations when they decide to choose you but will also give you another chance to add more contextual keywords and relevance to your page.

Add videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words then how much is a video worth well apparently 1.8 million words according to your forester study whether this is true or not it is pretty evident video content has become huge since google rewards pages with rich content consider adding videos to your pages here is an example for one of my clients’ web page who added a short video to one of his pages to help visitors reset their storage heater which is a common problem since the video was published on youtube and youtube is able to automatically transcribe it you can imagine there’s a link made between the page and the video also since this video was published on youtube 11 months ago it clocked over 20 000 views and is now the number one results for the keyword reset storage heater not bad exposure for a local electrician.

Add before and after images

If you find video making a little too daunting then photos can still work very well you can either use flat images or more interactive ones which are my preferred option don’t forget to add related keywords or synonyms to the ones you are targeting in the description of the images.

Add testimonials 

Add testimonials or reviews to your pages. I know what you might say testimonials can be easily faked which is true… that’s why when I use them I always make sure I can add proof they are genuine. How? I just ask some of my clients if they’d be willing to provide a photo of themselves along with the testimonials which I can integrate directly on my page as part of the testimonials. I also link to their website. So, if anyone is having a doubt that these are real people, they can easily check by visiting their site. Alternatively, consider using video testimonials. I think they are even more powerful. 

Add case studies 

Case studies offer a number of benefits including increased trustworthiness with web visitors and increased conversion rates. To be effective at building trust with potential clients your case studies need to have a compelling narrative about how your product or service helped someone else in real life. You need to show how the person’s life was different after.

List related services or product

Add a list of other related services or products you provide and link to the appropriate pages. This is called internal linking and is one of the most important on-page SEO strategies. It will help Google to better understand the structure of your site and for your pages to rank higher in search results. It will also make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.

Add guarantees

Do you offer formal assurance that what you promise to deliver (whether it’s a service or product) will be fulfilled? If not, will it be repaired or replaced? If you do – add it to your page guarantees of any form. Provide customers with peace of mind and also give them an opportunity to get things straight with you if they are not satisfied.

Add frequently asked questions

FAQs have become a key piece of content to add to any of your web pages for many reasons.

First, they are easy to create. Just listen to the most common questions your customers ask

Second, Google is integrating more and more of this type of content directly into its results, some of which could be coming from your website giving you more visibility.

Third, if you implement them right they will show up directly in google search results right under the title of your page.

Add unique local images 

When it comes to local businesses authenticity is key. Anyone can put together a website and add some random free stock images to their pages. However, visitors are becoming a lot savvier when choosing a local business, and it will take them a little more than that to be convinced you are truly local. To overcome this think of using images that reflect the location in which you operate, which include a recognizable landmark for example or images you’ve taken near some well-known local shops.

Add awards 

Has your business received an award trophy or accolade for one of the services you provide? It is worth mentioning to include them on your page as it will convey further credibility.

Embed a google map

When I say embed a google map I mean the google map that is directly associated with your google my business listing.

To do this you can copy and paste the code provided by google directly on your page or pages which is available under the share button of your listing. There are multiple reasons why you should embed a google map instead of any other map.

The google map will display the exact address of your business.

It will provide direction to your business at a click of a button so visitors will know how to get to you which will save them from doing any additional research.

It will highlight your review rating which will help convert visitors into customers as long as your rating is good enough. Make sure you don’t embed the map just on your home page but on all of your pages. Remember, not everyone will land on your homepage.

Add examples of some of your recent work 

Adding examples of some of the work you’ve done locally will do three things first it will reassure visitors you are truly a local business.

Second, it’s a chance to showcase what you can do.

Third, you can add some hyper location keywords within the copy giving your page even more relevance to the area you want to be found.

Make it easy to read or scan

People are more likely to perform a quick scan searching for what they are looking for rather than read the full page itself.

If you want to keep people engaged with your content and not bounce back to one of your competitor’s websites the layout of your page should be designed for scanning as well as attentive reading. You can do this by dividing your page sections using different colours, for example, adding images using bullet points and listing formats adding titles and clear calls to action.

Titles are key SEO signals so make sure you add relevant keywords in them whenever possible without spamming again wrap them with the appropriate HTML tag too as explained in tip 1. The header of your page should be coded with what is known as an H1 tag. There can only be one header per page meaning you can only use the H1 tag once. For all other titles, you should be using H2s and H3s and so on.

Craft appealing meta description

For those of you who don’t know what a meta description is it is the snippet of copy that sits right under the title of your page in Google search results.

Searchers read it and it influences whether or not they will click through to your website.

You can control the copy of your page description through your content management system so make sure it is appealing enough.

Add prices

You can consider adding prices to your pages so visitors can anticipate costs and make an informed decision on the spot to call you or not.

I personally find it very irritating when I can’t see prices on a page and tend to jump to a competitor’s website to at least get some idea about the cost.


That’s it for today, guys.

All of these tips should help you craft some great pages for your website or update existing ones you already have.

Try implementing as many of these tips as you can to give yourself the best chances of improving your rankings on Google local search results and converting more visitors into customers.

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